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King and GungHo games now bringing in more revenue than Nintendo's entire library

Slipping down the ranks
King and GungHo games now bringing in more revenue than Nintendo's entire library

Mobile's elite are now bringing in more money per quarter than Nintendo, numbers published by Newzoo suggests, with the likes of King and GungHo outperforming the Japanese giant by a distance.

BGR cites Newzoo data pinning Nintendo Q1 2014 revenue from its entire software library at $411 million –some way behind King of Candy Crush fame on $641 million and Puzzle & Dragons outfit GungHo Online on $476 million during the same period.

Slipping down the table

It isn't just the big firms who are threatening to overtake Nintendo though, with BGR reporting many 'second-tier' app vendors, such as Japanese outfit Colopl, are now preparing to leapfrog the console giant.

Newzoo's Q1 revenue rankings based on software sales
Newzoo's Q1 revenue rankings based on software sales

After seeing sales increase by 718 percent, Colopl's revenue hit $237 million in Q1 2014: a figure that becomes even more impressive when you consider that Colopl only sells apps to a Japanese audience.

Commentators have been quick to suggest Nintendo should itself move on mobile in order to keep up with the Joneses - an assertion the company itself has been refuting for years now.

"This is absolutely not under consideration," Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata said on the subject back in 2011

"If we did this, Nintendo would cease to be Nintendo. Having a hardware development team in-house is a major strength. It's the duty of management to make use of those strengths."

[source: BGR]