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Survey: Making money in mobile games

Help Wappier understand more about the ways in which developers are monetising mobile games with this online survey
Survey: Making money in mobile games

How are mobile games making money? That's the key question in a new survey-based research project undertaken by Wappier in partnership with

The state of mobile games IAP monetisation survey has been designed and created to gather and analyse actionable data points from mobile game developers and publishers around the world, with regard to in-app purchase (IAP) monetisation.

Companies which publish games across multiple categories and genres should answer the questions within the survey based on their single most popular mobile game.

The survey asks for basic game information such as category and genre, as well as monetisation methods and where within the development lifecycle decisions about monetisation are taken.

The survey also explores the understanding and adoption of new technologies and techniques such as machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) within the context of improving IAP monetisation. The use of predictive modelling and next-best-action-based marketing experiences are already appearing within the global games market, but the survey aims to understand more about how widespread these techniques are likely to be and which studios and games are planning to make use of them.

Strengthen portfolio performance

Wappier's vice president of business development, Ted Verani, told "iOS 14 had a massive impact on publishers that consider return on ad spend (ROAS) their north-star metric. With acquisition costs rising, it's critical to extract the maximum amount of value from every player. Our goal with this study is to uncover and share the latest best practices that will help publishers strengthen their portfolio's performance."

The results of the survey will provide mobile game developers and publishers with a comprehensive understanding of how they are positioned relative to other publishers in terms of IAP pricing strategies and price optimisation technology.

The survey consists of approximately 20 questions and should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Upon completion, respondents will be given the option to enter a raffle to win a $200 Amazon gift card.

The state of mobile games IAP monetisation survey can be found and completed here