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Last chance to get PG Connects Bangalore at Early Bird rates

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Last chance to get PG Connects Bangalore at Early Bird rates

If you were toying with the idea of coming along to our Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore conference on 16-17 April, you're rapidly running out of time to grab yourself a ticket at a super discounted price.

The Early Bird rates close at midnight GMT on Tuesday 17 February.

Produced in association with Reliance Games, PGC Bangalore marks the conference series’ first foray into the Asian market with the aim of connecting the biggest names from established markets in Europe, North America, and Asia with the next wave of mobile developers and consumers in India and the adjoining Southeast Asian region.

Get it while it's hot

Retaining the key ingredients that have made the PG Connects formula so popular – distinctive, short-form lectures, engaging speakers able to offer vital insight, honest panel sessions delivering frank opinion and advice, and intensive networking – the two-day show will feature three tracks: East meets West; Indie Academy; and Acquire & Monetise.

  • East Meets West offers data, trends, and practical guidance into different global market opportunities, looking at the established U.S.& European markets, the red-hot Asian trio of China, Korea and Japan, as well as the next wave of emerging markets in India and Southeast Asia.
  • The Indie Academy focuses heavily on the core components of game making and running a development business – from raising funds and establishing a studio and business model to crafting creative concepts, designing great assets, and acquiring, engaging and monetising players.
  • The Acquire & Monetise sessions aim to cover all aspects of the user life cycle by delivering the insight that will get you great users for your mobile game, ensure you keep them, and get them spending.
  • Elsewhere, the indie community get a further chance to shine at the Very Big Indie Pitch competition and I ♥ Indie Showcase expo area, while additional fringe events such as the Speakers Dinner and Pocket Gamer Party ensure excellent networking opportunities.

More information on Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore’s can be found at the conference's official website.

Speaker submissions to the event are still open, with just a few session slots remaining.