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Dastan Games' The Light Inside Us wins Bloggers' Choice Award at PGC Bangalore 2016

Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore brings the blogging community closer to the indies
Dastan Games' The Light Inside Us wins Bloggers' Choice Award at PGC Bangalore 2016

This year in Bangalore, a very special meet was arranged for those who made the final stage of not only the Very Big Indie Pitch, but Reliance Games’ GameHack competition too.

That meet saw all of the finalists get to sit down with some of Bangalore’s leading bloggers, in a meet up that was initiated to encourage even greater ties between India’s fast growing indie development community, and the ever-influential blogger media.

Blogger's choice

That’s not all though, as on top of just simply getting to showcase their games, developers were also given the chance to battle it out for a prize that was brand new to Pocket Gamer Connects Bangalore, the blogger’s Choice Award.

As such, this award that was selected by those blogger’s in attendance, not only represented their expert opinion on which game they felt deserved to win, but also which game would best resonate with their audiences.


All in all, the blogger’s meet not only ended up being something extra special for the finalists in attendance, but it also allowed everyone to ease their way into a full days pitching that was to come as a part of the Very Big Indie Pitch.

And the winner is...

What’s more, it ended up being an event to remember for Dastan Games, whose game The Light Inside Us walked away at the grand final with the extra special Blogger’s Choice Award.

It’s easy to see why The Light Inside Us won.

Not only does the game have a considerable amount of poilish, but is also easily mixes a multitude of genres, wrapping them all up inside a unique new gameplay mechanic. Not an easy feat.

Nevertheless, whilst there had to be a winner, the bloggers' meet would actually end up being an event to remember for everyone involved, and showed that it’s not just the development community that is embracing India’s indie developers, but also the blogging community too.