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DeNA revenues and profits fall while native mobile games vastly outperform browser for the first time

Nintendo partnership confirmed to be "mid to long-term"
DeNA revenues and profits fall while native mobile games vastly outperform browser for the first time

DeNA (TYO:2432) has released its financials for its Q3 FY16 for the three months ending December 31st 2016.

It posted overall revenues of $286.6 million, down 16% quarter-on-quarter and 5% year-on-year. Its profits also fell considerably, dropping 56% quarter-on-quarter to $30.3 million.

Revenues from its games segment, which includes both browser games and native apps, were $210 million, down 3% quarter-on-quarter and 13% year-on-year.

DeNA also showed that the quarter marked the first time that virtual currency consumption in its native apps vastly outperformed its browser games. Its native apps have seen steady growth since its FY14.

Closures and Nintendo

The publisher noted that it was affected by the closure of its DeNA West operations. Shutting this down cost the company $19.6 million, though considerably less than the $29 million it previously expected.

Looking specifically at its Nintendo partnership, DeNA stated that it would continue to support Super Mario Run with in-game events for all players including those who have not bought the game. It also confirmed that its Animal Crossing mobile game will not launch until the next fiscal year.

The company also stated that its partnership with Nintendo is "mid to long-term". It claims to have future titles already in development which it will announce at a later date.

Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima recently said that "I do not think that we would have been able to provide smart-device applications to our consumers without DeNA's support."