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Apex Legends is pinging a mobile port

EA’s Q4 results suggest Respawn’s battle royale is heading to smartphones and China
Apex Legends is pinging a mobile port

Electronic Arts and Respawn'sbreakout battle royale Apex Legends is dropping on mobile and heading to China in the near future.

During a call following the publisher’s Q4 financial results, as transcribed by Seeking Alpha, the publisher told investors that the company was well underway with talks to bring the title to smartphones.

"We are in advanced negotiations to bring Apex Legends to China and to mobile, and we will update you on timeframes when those negotiations are concluded", said EA CFO Blake Jorgensen.

iPhone here, level one!

This follows an existing sentiment from EA to bring its battle royale to mobile. In the previous quarter’s results, CEO Andrew Wilson suggested cross-play could come to Apex Legends in future.

There’s no hard date for Apex’s mobile debut, but you can see why it’s in the cards. The genre has taken mobile by storm, with Tencent, NetEase and Epic seeing strong performance on smartphones.

Bringing Apex to mobile might be a harder task than you might think, though. Like both Titanfall games before it, Apex runs on a heavily-modified version of Half-Life 2’s Source Engine, which has never been brought to mobile before.