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3 videos on M&As and funding from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2017

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3 videos on M&As and funding from Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2017

Did you miss Pocket Gamer Connects San Francisco 2017? Well fear not! We have all the sessions available for your viewing pleasure.

We’ve put together a list of the videos from the Show Me the Money track right here, all just a few clicks away.

The sessions focus on topics such as mergers and acquisitions, and how to attract funding for your game and studio.

Specifically, you'll find:

  • Unlocking capital for your studio in a mature market
  • Games mergers and acquisitions market 2017 – Recap and predictions
  • Why investors say no

Click the link below to watch the videos.

Unlocking capital for your studio in a mature market


In a mature market currently more focused on consolidation than new entrants, what fundraising opportunities are there for both new and existing mobile gaming studios? What about when coupled with (somewhat) emerging areas like eSports, AR, or VR? How do you best position your company for fundraising?

In this video you'll hear from a panel of experts with expertise spanning the globe and understand what current fundraising opportunities may exist for your company and how that will change going forward.

Games mergers and acquisitions market 2017 – Recap and predictions


Agnitio Capital MD Shum Singh discusses the latest M&A activity in the games industry and what it means for the sector.

Why investors say no


Execution Labs co-founder Keith Katz discusses what turns off investors from giving you funds, and offers advice on how to prepare yourself for the big pitch.

Discover more at Pocket Gamer Connects in person

Want to get more information from the experts about funding, investment opportunities and industry M&A activity?

As well as these videos and constant coverage on the site of course, we're bringing Pocket Gamer Connects to plenty more cities around the world!

On September 19th to 20th 2017, we'll be holding Pocket Gamer Connects Helsinki!

Bit too far for you? Well, on January 22nd to 23rd 2018 we'll be hosting Pocket Gamer Connects London.

At the same time as both of these events, we'll also be hosting our VR and AR event XR Connects.

And while we're at it... you can expect brand new PC tracks and more influencer content at our events in future too!

We hope you enjoyed the videos, more of which you can find on the YouTube channel.

We look forward to seeing you at future events!