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$15 billion is spent on UA, only for 90% of players to fall off by day 30, says Snapyr's Manu Gambhir

Meet the mobile games and Web3 experts at Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle right now
$15 billion is spent on UA, only for 90% of players to fall off by day 30, says Snapyr's Manu Gambhir

Pocket Gamer Connects – Europe's leading mobile games industry conference – is heading to Seattle as we bring an array of incredible speakers, industry experts, and unparalled networking opportunities to the US west coast happening right now until May 10.

You can check out our speaker lineup, but to give you a teaser for what you can look forward to, we spoke with our speakers to share a little of what they'll be speaking on, and their thoughts of the mobile games industry.

Manu Gambhir is CEO of Snapyr, and will be detailing how to use engagement marketing to drive player retention. Mobile games spend $15 billion a year on player acquisition. 90 per cent of these players are usually gone by Day 30, and reducing this churn has a huge impact on the business. What’s the most common mistake you see being made in the games sector?

Manu Gambhir: Lack of investment in retention marketing. Acquisition is so expensive that not investing in retention greatly increases the risk of business failure.

If you could give other mobile games companies one piece of advice, what would it be?

Obvious stuff: Make a great game, be super-smart about player acquisition and LTV optimization.

Less obvious: Engagement marketing is complicated. But it can be done right and have a huge impact on the business.

Where are the next big opportunities in the mobile games market?

Play-to-earn gaming (and maybe NFTs).

What is your biggest aspiration in mobile gaming?

My goal is to help mobile game developers and publishers increase their D30 retention.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received that you can pass on to others?

Whatever you do, have a clear purpose behind it. Share that purpose with your team. Make the purpose matter. It should help the world move forward, even if it is in some small, very specific way. Purpose sits at the foundation of any good initiative.


If you're not on the west coast, you can still attend Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle digitally – secure your seat through this link now.