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Post your games job vacancies on the jobs page - It's free!

You just need to sign up to the PG Business Network
Post your games job vacancies on the jobs page - It's free!

Did you know that you can post your latest job vacancies on the jobs pagefor free?

Well, you can!

All you have to do is register to the PG Business Network, and you can post as many jobs as you like right here.

And in case you're wondering, it's also free for job seekers to use too!

Promote your job vacancies

Mobile games companies regularly post their jobs on the site. The latest developers and publishers to promote their vacancies include Gameloft, Koukoi Games, GameDuell, Time Warner and more!

For other advertising opportunities and recruitment campaigns, email

Throughout January we'll be running a New Year, New Jobs special providing interviews and tips on how to get a job in games. If you're in the mobile games industry and would like to contribute, head here for more information.