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Start 2018 with a great new job on Pocket Gamer

The leading b2c mobile gaming site is looking for a new editor
Start 2018 with a great new job on Pocket Gamer

The hunt is on. Our sister site PocketGamer.comis seeking a new editor. Could it be you?

Here at we deliver daily news, features and resources for industry insiders. But over at, it's all about the consumers. Our buddies there have been helping gamers find great mobile and handheld games, and get the most out of them, for over 10 years. And now the site's after a new hand on the tiller.

Do you love mobile games? Have a great nose for what gamers want to read about? Know how to present information in an entertaining and informative way? Feel confident managing a team of expert writers and planning content that will soar online? We want to hear from you. remains the leading mobile games website, pack with reviews, features, guides, tips and news for mobile and handheld gamers. There's a vacancy right now for an experienced editor to manage the team and help implement the site’s transition to a fresh look in 2018. The editor will work with the senior management to devise a content strategy for the site’s future and help structure the team to best present a first-class editorial experience.

For more information about the responsibilities of the role, which include the day-to-day running of and its team, check out (where you will also find the specific requirements we're looking for). Fingers crossed!