
Mobile Games University - ASO 101: How to make the most eye-catching app screenshots

A picture is worth a thousand words
Mobile Games University - ASO 101: How to make the most eye-catching app screenshots

When it comes to app store optimisation specifically, screenshots won’t help you in the searches.

But good screenshots that show exactly what your game is about and convey the emotions a player could feel when playing it can lead to more downloads once visitors land on your store page.

Taking and choosing just the right screenshot, as well as deciding whether to add any marketing terms or character pictures over them, can be a tricky endeavour.

Check out these online guides to give you a better understanding of what’s expected, and how you can put your screenshots together.

5 simple steps to the perfect app store screenshots
PocketGamer offers a series of top tips for serving up high quality screenshots of your game.

How to make great App Store screenshots
A detailed and comprehensive walkthrough by Greg Pugh on how to create the best looking screenshots for your app.

A picture paints a thousand words: Choosing screenshots for your iOS app
LocalizeDirect explains how to create a good display screenshot and what they should achieve.

Why you should optimize the orientation of your iOS screenshots
Sensor Tower discusses the importance of making sure your screenshots are displayed at the correct orientation for users.

An example screenshot from Supercell's <em>Clash of Clans</em> Google Play store page.
An example screenshot from Supercell's Clash of Clans Google Play store page.

Case Study: How A/B testing can improve your app's conversion rates
A case study that delves into how picking the right screenshots improved viewer download conversion for the ŠKODA Little Driver project.

Capturing a screenshot on an iOS device
Apple offers some basic but important advice on exactly how to take a screenshot on your Apple device.

App Store Optimization (ASO): A/B Testing Screenshots to Improve Installs
App Annie takes a look at finding the best screenshots to optimize conversion rates.

Google support for graphic assets, screenshots & video
Google provides guidelines on screenshot capture, dimension size and where they are displayed.

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Image credit: Game of War screenshot