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Minecraft hits 21 million downloads on mobile

Dev to hold live Q&A to celebrate
Minecraft hits 21 million downloads on mobile

Minecraft: Pocket Edition, the mobile version of the ever-popular sandbox title, has sold over 21 million copies.

The news was broken on Twitter by Minecraft developer Jens Bergensten, who also revealed that Mojang will be holding a live Q&A broadcast on 14 April to celebrate said milestone.

Building an audience

"We’re extremely grateful to all players for your dedication and creativity," said Mojang via a blog post.

"Without that, Minecraft wouldn’t be anywhere near as significant as it is today."

For those who've been following Minecraft: Pocket Edition's progress on the App Store, this news won't come as a huge surprise.

In a recent Charticle, we highlighted how the game been performing extremely well on the App Store, where it has been a constant presence at the top of the grossing charts since it launched back in November 2011.

[source: Mojang]