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Marmalade and Microsoft add second tier to Windows Developer Offer

Win $2,000, a Surface Tablet, and 1 million ad impressions
Marmalade and Microsoft add second tier to Windows Developer Offer

Launched in January to encourage developers to release their games on Windows Store and Window Phone Store, Marmalade and Microsoft's Windows Developer Offer has now been extended.

Due to demand, the companies have now added a second tier to widen the selection of developers that can take part.

Gimme more

The original option for developers who have made an app or game with a 3-star+ rating and a significant number of downloads but which isn't yet on the Windows Store or Windows Phone Store remains in place, of course.

The new level invites developers with apps and games that haven’t reached these criteria as yet but still have innovative games that are not already on the Windows Stores, to join in.

Both levels offer developers great benefits, including PayPal vouchers worth up to $100.

In addition, the program has now been extended until 30 June 2015.

Everyone's a winner

Windows is a platform that demonstrated significant growth in 2014; downloads were up 110 percent while the number of registered developers jumped 80 percent.

Reasons enough for all developers to be publishing on the platform, but if you require more encouragement, Marmalade and Microsoft are offering additional incentives.

Once your game or app is live on the store, developers will receive a $100 PayPal voucher and the guarantee of a priority review for Windows Store promotion.

And games will also be entered into a prestigious competition with the following cool prizes.

  • Grand Prize (x1): $2,000 in PayPal vouchers - plus a Dell Venue 8 Pros tablet, a $500 PayPal voucher, and 1 million AdDuplex impressions.
  • Second Place (x1):­ $1,000 in PayPal vouchers - plus a Dell Venue 8 Pro tablet, a $500 PayPal voucher, and 1 million AdDuplex impressions.
  • Third Place (x2):­ A Dell Venue 8 Pro tablet, a $500 in PayPal vouchers, and 1 million AdDuplex impressions.
  • Runners ups (x6):­ $500 in PayPal vouchers, and 1 million AdDuplex impressions.

AdDuplex is a cross­promotion advertising network specifically targeted Windows 8 and Windows Phone apps and games.

You can find out more details about the program, including qualifying criteria and terms & conditions, on the Marmalade website.