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Ex Rovio and Nokia staffers form hardcore-focused Finnish studio

Mobile first, console later
Ex Rovio and Nokia staffers form hardcore-focused Finnish studio

A new game development studio, consisting of former Rovio and Nokia employees, has opened in Oulu, Finland.

Christened Koukoi Games and led by former Mekiwi CEO Antti Kananen, the team has ten employees and a wealth of skills to enable the coordination of completely in-house development.


Koukoi's currrent focus is on the more hardcore end of the mobile gaming spectrum, with a move towards PC or console planned after an initial phase of mobile development.

"The market is still growing and business looks promising," Kananen told

"In time, we will expand our focus areas more [to PC or console], but most likely you will see us developing a couple of games first for mobile platforms."

The first of Koukoi's two in-development games will be officially announced in a few weeks' time.
