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Hothead Games settles with Glu over Deer Hunter 2014 copying claim

Payments are now ongoing
Hothead Games settles with Glu over Deer Hunter 2014 copying claim

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Lawsuits over the originality of games are generally not very transparent or pleasant events.

Certainly, a wider debate can be had over whether the law is a sufficiently sharp tool to legitimately judge such cases, unless clear piracy of code etc can be proven.

Nevertheless, without any detail (or angle) on how or why the situation has been resolved, hidden away in Glu Mobile's recent financials was the news that the company had won its copyright case again Canadian developer Hothead Games.

Look and feel

The original case was launched in November 2014, with Glu claiming that Hothead Games' Kill Shot copied its hit Deer Hunter 2014.

At the time, Glu's Chris Akhavan claimed:

"Kill Shot is effectively a complete ripoff of our game Deer Hunter 2014.

"The only difference is that in Kill Shot, you are shooting humans. In our game, you are shooting deer and other animals.

"We think they spent months replicating our game."

One of Glu's comparative arguements in the case
One of Glu's comparative arguements in the case

Hothead hasn't made any public announcement, but Glu has now confirmed case is closed.

In a statement, Glu said "In August 2015, we settled our litigation with Hothead Games in which they have agreed to make payments to Glu, including ongoing payments, the details of which are confidential."

Significantly, however, Kill Shot remains available on the App Store and Google Play.