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Futureplay's Farm Away is already generating $0.082 ARPDAU from its incent ads model

Jami Laes is harvesting
Futureplay's Farm Away is already generating $0.082 ARPDAU from its incent ads model

With incentivised videos generating strong revenues for mobile game companies, it's a great time for ex-Rovio exec Jami Laes to launch the first game of his 'view-to-play' studio Futureplay.

Its debut title Farm Away launched last week, and he's already happy with the market response.

"We're around 100,000 daily active users, and we're generating $0.082 average revenue per user per day," he said during the games track at Slush 2015 in Helsinki.

"It's early days but we're monetising better than similar games that use IAPs."

The right loop

The reason for this success, Laes argues, is because Farm Away uses in-game advertising to positively reinforce play experiences.

"Most games are using adverts as a negative reinforcement. You failed. Watch this ad," he says.

Tap on the cloud on the right hand side for 2x gold for four hours
Tap on the cloud on the right hand side for 2x gold for four hours

"We want to use adverts to make your fun more fun."

In this way, in Farm Away, you can tap on a cloud, watch an in-game ad, and then your farm gets rains for four hours; something which doubles the generation of gold.

"These ads need to be opt-in, because that's how we feel good about things," Laes says.

"And it needs to be additive. Ads are not a replacement for IAP. You need to find different core loops for ads to integrate with. It's not ads or IAPs. It's ads and IAPs."
