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IronSource launches choose your own adventure-style "4D" interactive ads

Make ads even more personalised
IronSource launches choose your own adventure-style

Mobile monetisation and marketing firm ironSource has introduced choose your own adventure "4D interactive ads" to its suite of advertising formats.

The 4D ads are a mix of video and interactive ads, with users being given various choices throughout to tailor the experience to their tastes. Choices can then be used as data for advertisers to further tailor future ads to a specific audience.

IronSource says that while the majority of consumers claim to prefer personalised ads, only 6% of marketers actually use advanced personalisation in their ads.

Making headlines

"Interactive ads like playables are making headlines this year for capturing users' attention in ways the mobile industry hasn't seen before. 4D Ads, however, take this sort of interactivity to the next level, using personalization to drive the experience,” said Dan Greenberg, Chief Design Officer at ironSource.

"We're breaking the fourth wall of advertising by actually asking users what they want, so they can take a more active role in their ad experiences. The adventures are dynamic, and change according to what the user selects."

Back in October 2017, ironSource made the jump into AR-enabled ads on mobile. Using Apple's ARKit or Google's ARCore, advertisers can implement rewarded, video, or display ads in an AR environment.