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IronSource launches new bug testing tool for playable ads

Recommends solutions to fix potential issues
IronSource launches new bug testing tool for playable ads

IronSource has launched a new tool for playable ads that lets marketers check for common bugs in advertisements created in-house.

Playable ads are increasingly being used by games marketers, offering users a taste of a mobile game before they download the app.

The Israeli company has mapped what it said are the most common bugs for the ad format. The new tool will check for them and recommend solutions should it find any issues.

The tool supports the MRAID protocol and DAPI protocol - IronSource’s external protocol.

Stamping out bugs

IronSource said it hoped that tool would cut down the go-to-market time of playable ads and ensure they run more smoothly.

The pre-flight checklist for IronSource's playable testing tool
The pre-flight checklist for IronSource's playable testing tool

“It’s impossible to miss that playables are fast becoming a new standard, like video ads once were,” said IronSource COO of mobile Tal Shoham.

“By allowing users to test drive the app before they download it, with playable ads an app marketer acquires higher quality users who are less likely to churn.

“Many app developers, both major developers and indie developers, are starting to get involved in the design of these ads and create them in-house.

“To build a successful campaign, a great deal of testing is needed to perfect and optimize the ad’s performance. We want to support these marketers in making sure their ads pass the necessary tests to run seamlessly within an SDK environment as quickly as possible, so that they can begin their user acquisition campaigns.”