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Cultist Simulator will make a terrifying transition to mobile this spring

After selling 100,000 copies on PC, Cultist Simulator will let you perform dark deeds on the go
Cultist Simulator will make a terrifying transition to mobile this spring
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Mar 4, 2019 partnership Playdigious Weather Factory Not disclosed

Weather Factory’s card-based supernatural management title Cultist Simulator is coming to mobile this spring.

The studio’s first game, which sees players use simple card mechanics to gradually stare further into the abyss and commune with dark gods, arrived on PC in May last year.

The port will be handled by Playdigious and will be priced at $6.99.


100,000 sacrifices

Cultist Simulator found a successful niche on PC when it launched last year. Within a fortnight, it sold 40,000 copies and then went on to sell 100,000 by the end of the company’s first year.

In a blog post celebrating that 100,000 sale milestone, Weather Factory co-founder Alexis Kennedy revealed plans to grow the studio and transition the company into working on multiple projects at a time.