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Gwent mobile made up 68% of CD Projekt Red's revenue following launch

Witcher 3 card game is due to arrive on Android in Q1 2020
Gwent mobile made up 68% of CD Projekt Red's revenue following launch

Gwent mobile made up 68 per cent of revenue for CD Projekt Red in the first three weeks of the game’s release.

As revealed via the company’s Q3 financial call (transcribed by Yahoo Finance), the Witcher card game on iOS accounted for the majority of player spending, with PC accounting for 28 per cent and console bringing in the remaining four per cent.

During the call, CD Projekt joint CEO and president Adam Michal Kicinski noted that since launching for iPhone and iPads on October 29th, Gwent has achieved an average rating of 4.8 out of five.

Furthermore, in response to an employee question, the CEO confirmed that the “vast majority” of iOS users are new to Gwent and have not transitioned over from PC and console.

Gwent was reconfirmed to arrive on Android devices during the first quarter of 2020.

Sales of Switch

“As far as the sales of Switch and Gwent, both Witcher 3 for Switch and Gwent iOS, both of the releases were releases to products that already existed on the market,” said CD Projekt chief financial officer and vice-president Piotr Marcin Nielubowicz.


“However, it allowed us to have the products to new customer base, so it obviously should expand our revenue generation. But it's not another new release like in case of Witcher 3 or Cyberpunk.

“So we will basically increase the sales, but it's not changing the status quo like each new release, totally new release, could do.”

We recently spoke to CD Projekt Red’s Hollie Bennett on going from midwife to head of communications.