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Melinda Kang explained the importance of each on why user acquisition and monetisation need to go

"User acquisition and monetisation have to go hand in hand for a product to be successful," said strategic partnerships and business development of mobile publishing Melinda Kang.

This was the message given by Kang at this year's Pocket Gamer Connects London 2020 event, where she was speaking on 'The Right Publishing Model for Ad Monetisation Games'.

The publisher has begun introducing a new business model called 'Light Publishing' for game developers, which has shown that integrating both user acquisition and monetisation together yielded the best results. This includes UA campaigns based off machine-learning and analytics to maximise success.

70 million users

Since branching into publishing, had worked with over 2500 clients which have seen their games reach more than 70 million users globally.

Eight billion ad impressions were gathered from this group as well as 200 million-plus downloads.

Any developer interested in working with the publisher can find further details and contact them via their official website.