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Dodge Roll Games and thatgamecompany bringing mobile titles to Switch in 2020

Exit the Gungeon and Sky: Children of the Light making the leap
Dodge Roll Games and thatgamecompany bringing mobile titles to Switch in 2020

Two indie mobile games are making the jump to Nintendo's Switch in 2020.

As part of the Nintendo Indie World showcase on March 17th, Dodge Roll Games announced that its former Apple Arcade exclusive Exit the Gungeon was launching on Switch later that day.

The Enter the Gungeon spin-off/sequel will be a timed console exclusive on Switch for an unknown period. It is also launching on Steam at the same time as its Switch release.

Run away and make friends

Elsewhere, thatgamecompany is bringing its first mobile title, Sky: Children of the Light, to Nintendo's console. It will launch at some point in 2020, and is planned to eventually include cross-play functionality with mobile players.

Alongside the Switch reveal, thatgamecompany has also announced on Twitter that the game will be coming to Android in April 2020. Pre-registrations are open now.

Sky: Children of the Light cleared one million downloads in July 2019. Enter the Gungeon, meanwhile, has sold over three million copies across all platforms as of January 2020.