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National Videogame Museum turns to fundraising to prevent closure caused by coronavirus

Sheffield-based museum looking to raise £80,000 from donations
National Videogame Museum turns to fundraising to prevent closure caused by coronavirus

The UK's National Videogame Museum is calling for donations to prevent its complete shutdown amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

The Sheffield-based museum has been forced to temporarily close its doors as the coronavirus spreads across the country. However, it is now potentially facing a permanent closure due to a loss of revenue brought on by this temporary shuttering.

It is looking to raise £80,000 ($97,000) in donations from anyone able to donate via a JustGiving page. At the time of publication, it had raised £5,653.99 - 7% of its overall target.

No safety net

"Despite 40,000 visitors in 2019, we have no safety net of funding to ensure our new charity outlasts a prolonged shutdown. The UK is in danger of losing this unique venue with nearly 100 playable exhibits, school workshops and family events," says the museum's JustGiving page.

"Our forthcoming exhibitions, our programmes to train children in the most disadvantaged communities and our huge collection of videogames heritage objects could be closed for good.

"Please help fund the Museum so it can outlast this global pandemic and continue its important cultural and educational work."


The National Videogame Museum was moved to Sheffield in December 2018, following a three-year stint in Nottingham. It was recently welcomed as a member of trade body Ukie.