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Free online RoundTable discussion series launches tomorrow

Register for a Work From Home panel featuring experts from King, Tilting Point, Voodoo, Tamatem and more
Free online RoundTable discussion series launches tomorrow

The PocketGamer.Biz RoundTables series is a brand-new initiative, aimed at bridging the gap between the expert insight offered each day in PG.Biz articles and insight found at the live experience of our PG Connects and PGC Digital conferences.

The series will launch on May 12th (tomorrow) at 4pm with a discussion focused around 'The Games Industry In The Time Of Corona + Working From Home', brought to you in association with Tamatem.

PG.Biz editor Ric Cowley will be in the hot seat for the first roundtable, alongside a panel of experts from the likes of King, Tilting Point, Voodoo, and more.

Fortnightly event

Taking place every couple of weeks, we'll be bringing together four or five leading industry experts in a specific field to discuss a pertinent subject.

The live event will be broadcast for free to everyone who signs up - who can also interact and ask questions, then we'll follow up with some key points in an article and at some point make the video available on our PG.Biz YouTube channel.

The full list of May 12th panellists:

  • Kate Edwards - Global Game Jam/Geogrify
  • Tim Cullings - Seattle Indies/IGDA/Oculus VR
  • Sophie Vo - Voodoo
  • Husam Hammo - Tamatem
  • Asi Burak - Tilting Point
  • Sabrina Carmona - King

Future roundtables that are scheduled to take place will concentrate on a range of timely and relevant topics, such as Anti-Copying.

You can register and find out further details for the event here.