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Hear the best in the business speak at next week's Top 50 Mobile Game Makers 2020 - all online and totally FREE!

Tune in this Tuesday September 1st to see which studios, creators and publishers are making waves in mobile games
Hear the best in the business speak at next week's Top 50 Mobile Game Makers 2020 - all online and totally FREE!

The Top 50 Mobile Game Makers 2020 is next week!

Join us on Tuesday September 1st where the team will reveal our take on the top 50 studios, creators and publishers in the mobile games world.

This year we're taking the Top 50 reveal online for the first time and we're switching up the format to include exciting panels and interviews with leading industry names as well as hosting some digital chat rooms and a mixer for our VIPs. 

Tickets are free and available NOW!

Read on to see all of the fantastic games industry veterans who will be joining us for a spectacular celebration of the best in mobile gaming!

Get your free tickets today

Don't miss out on a celebration of the finest practitioners in the mobile games industry today. With exclusive panel discussions and interviews, as well as the awards themselves, it's going to be an unforgettable day. 

The whole event is completely free - all you need to do is register your tickets now!