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Square Enix embraces remote working with its new programme

Eligible employees will work from home at least three times a week
Square Enix embraces remote working with its new programme

Japanese games giant Square Enix will make remote working a permanent part of its culture.

As of December 1st, the workfrom home programme will come into effect for all members of staff. Through this change, the company hopes to create a flexible and diverse work environment.

Furthermore, allowing employees to work from home will aid in creating a healthy work-life balance.

One of the benefits of remote working is a broader talent pool from which to hire. As such, Square Enix can now consider those that could not reach the office for future job openings.

Homely feel

Through the new work from home programme, staff members will be classed as either "home-based" or "office-based". Depending on what side an employee falls into, they will either work from home or in the office at least three times a week.

However, this programme will allow changes to be made monthly depending on staff workload.

Much like the rest of the world, Square Enix was forced to adopt remote working due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Due to the change, the company asked staff members what they thought of the structure, with 80 per cent of employees having a positive outlook.

The Japanese firm is not the first company to see the benefits of remote working. Earlier this year, mobile games specialist Kwalee embraced the culture, meaning it would offer future roles to remote workers.