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BAME in Games celebrates fifth anniversary with new website and Discord server

UK advocacy group to release Representation, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion calendar
BAME in Games celebrates fifth anniversary with new website and Discord server

The United Kingdom’s industry-leading grassroots advocacy group BAME in Games (BiG) marked its fifth anniversary in June this year.

Bame in Games, which champion diverse talent in the games industry, celebrated the milestone with the unveiling of a new website and Discord server, where the BiG Representation, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (BiG REDI) calendar will soon be integrated.

The Bame in Games network is free to join and open to everyone interested in diversifying the video games industry via BiG LinkedIn and Discord

"Being part of BiG for the last two years has been such a rewarding journey," said Bame in Games events manager Saskia Bünte.

"Whether it’s offline events at studios or online events on Zoom, it’s been an absolute joy to host events on behalf of this lovely community and make new friends and connections along the way. I’m so excited for the next chapter in BiG’s history!”

The five-year mission

Bame in Games chair Kish Hirani added: "I still remember well when we ethnic minorities in the industry gathered around a table, surprised that there wasn’t a similar org to other minority orgs. I somehow ended up volunteering to temporarily take up the chair position and here we are five years on and I'm still the chair! There's still a lot of work to be done in promoting diversity and inclusion in our industry."

Since its formation, Bame in Games has continued to grow in influence, launching a number of online initiatives on diversity and inclusion. One of the most recent initiatives is the Games Digital Mentorship Programme.

Founded in 2020 in partnership with Developing Minds, Electric Square, Studio Gobo and Prospela, the programme pairs young, diverse, UK-based mentees looking for work within the games and wider entertainment industry, with experienced mentors from leading games studios.

"The Electric Square crew and allies have been truly inspired by the talent and passion on show by respective BiG mentees. We’re excited to continue building a more diverse and inclusive industry for generations to come," said Electric Square human resources manager and programme sponsor Nina Lomax.

Image credit: Bame in Games
Image credit: Bame in Games

For everyone who cares about diversity

Created by Bame in Games Discord manager Shivani Rambaran to provide a voice for hidden figures in entertainment, the server provides a professional network for aspiring talent within the games industry and serves as a platform for highlighting upcoming social and cultural events.

"We want the BiG Discord server to be a friendly and inclusive space for everyone who cares about diversity within the games industry. It’s a hub for learning, sharing resources, and building a professional support network as well as seeing what opportunities await them in the industry," she said. 

Hirani further clarified that the Discord is not restricted to ethnic minorities. Whatever your background, creed or colour, If you work in the games industry, believe it should be open to all and want to help make that ideal a reality, join the server today.

The Bame in Games Discord server launched on August 4th, 2021. 

This article was originally published on