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Razer adds Supercell titles to in-game rewards programme

Razor Gold is the first third-party storefront to sell in-game currency for Supercell titles
Razer adds Supercell titles to in-game rewards programme

Razer Gold, Razer’s storefront for in-game currency, battle-passes and more has added a number of Supercell titles to its catalogue including: Clash of Clans, Clash Royale and more.

Razer Gold will allow players to purchase in-game currency, battle passes and more. With the addition of Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Hay Day and Brawl stars, most of Supercell’s most popular - and lucrative - titles will now be available on the service. With their addition, Razer are also offering a bonus amount of each in-game currency as an incentive for players to use the service.

According to Razer, “Razer Gold is the first third-party payment provider and online store to offer in-game currency for Supercell games with Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Brawl Stars and Hay Day. Currency top ups for Supercell games are available in all Razer Gold supported regions: Southeast Asia (SEA), North Asia, South Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa (EMEA), North America, South America, Australia and New Zealand (ANZ).“

Avoiding Apple

It hasn’t escaped anyone’s notice that Supercell is vigorously pursuing new and innovative means of alternative storefronts. Not only can players purchase in-game currency and other assets for Supercell’s catalogue through their website, but now it seems that the Finnish gaming giant is expanding to offering their catalogue to third-party storefronts like Razer Gold.

Apple are, of course, infamous for their hefty 30% cut on the iOS App Store, a fact that led into outright conflict with Fortnite developer Epic. However, while Supercell seems just as eager to sidestep Apple’s hefty cut, they’re doing so much more discreetly than Epic, who vigorously courted publicity with their legal action.

Razer meanwhile have been slowly expanding their mobile offerings, including the recent Razer Edge gaming phone.