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Gcommerce company Scuti partners with audio tech firm Consumable for audio ads

Brands will be able to advertise their products to users browsing the Scuti marketplace
Gcommerce company Scuti partners with audio tech firm Consumable for audio ads

Rewarded gaming commerce company Scuti has announced a partnership with Consumable, through which it will offer non-intrusive audio ads while consumers browse the Scuti marketplace.

Scuti was founded by industry veterans with experience in mobile powerhouses such as Epic Games, Electronic Arts, and Zynga. Its marketplace lets gamers purchase curated products from top brands and earn rewards on every purchase, and has already attracted major brands. The company hopes that the introduction of audio ads will open new avenues to drive consumers to make purchases.

"As the leader in gCommerce and online game monetization, Scuti needed a non-intrusive solution to deliver audio ads on behalf of brands to players during their Scuti shopping journey,” said Consumable CEO Mark Levin. “Consumable will enable over 500 million in new Visual Audio supply for marketers. Visual Audio brings the power of audio, which performs at a 10X ROAS, with interactive and engaging graphics to drive business outcomes on behalf of brands.”

The power of partnership

“Scuti selected Consumable because they share our values about never being obtrusive to the game experience,” said Scuti CEO Nicholas Longano. “The inclusion of audio ads into the Scuti marketplace will transform the player experience into a curated audio-visual showcase of rewards, products and bespoke ads and provide brands with ROI, measurement and the only available full funnel solution through games.”

Scuti will enable Consumable’s audio ads through its network of games from September 2023. The sector is growing rapidly, being worth an estimated $200 million in September 2022, with estimates that it could grow to a quarter of a billion dollars by 2026.

Changes to IDFA regulations worldwide, as well as the growing shift towards hybridcasual gaming, has forced companies within the space to reevaluate their monetisation strategies. At the same time, more and more brands are taking note of the potential revenue they can earn through gaming partnerships, with an increasing number of companies and IPs from a variety of sectors launching partnerships with game companies.

Last month, we reported that the USA’s game ad revenue will reach $130 billion in 2025.