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Dubai wants to be a top 10 games industry hub by 2033

UAE hopes to create a $1 billion games sector over the next 10 years
Dubai wants to be a top 10 games industry hub by 2033

The United Arab Emirates government wants Dubai to be a global gaming hub and plans to be a top 10 city for games companies by 2033.

Speaking at the Dubai GameExpo Summit powered by Pocket Gamer Connects, Dubai Economic Development Corporation CEO Hadi Badri and Dubai Chambers digital operations director Abdulla AlGaoud discussed government initiatives and ambitions for the games sector.

Badri said there has been significant investment in infrastructure in Dubai. The ambition, he said, is for Dubai to be a “global crossroads” for knowledge sharing and networking - and for the games industry.

He claimed that the games sector would get “unwavering support” for the government.

Driving investment

AlGaoud said the Dubai Program for Gaming 2033 kicked off an exciting new era for the games sector.

According to the website, the scheme aims to focus on three areas: talent, content and technology, bringing it in line with other national strategies aimed at strengthening the UAE and Dubai’s digital economy. It plans to achieve this through investments, support for business, as well as educational and training programmes.

As part of those plans, Dubai wants to be one of the top 10 cities in the global games industry. The aim is to create 30,000 jobs and build a $1 billion industry by 2023, said AlGaoud.

Global competition

Dubai faces fierce competition for that growth. Saudi Arabia has touted its ambitions to spend $38 billion on games as it grows its own games hub - with Savvy Games Group acquiring Monopoly GO! publisher Scopely - while other countries in the MENA region are also increasing investment.

Meanwhile other established industries, such as the UK, US, Finland, Canada and China, and growing hubs like Turkey, are all competing for talent.

But Dubai is prepared to compete on the global stage, with significant investment backing and government support to try and make its ambitions come to fruition, and form a part of its long-term strategy for the city's digital future.