Home   >   Features Week That Was: Tearaway tops GDC Award nominations, BlackBerry backs away from games, and the App Store's $10 billion for devs

The past 7 days in bite-sized portions Week That Was: Tearaway tops GDC Award nominations, BlackBerry backs away from games, and the App Store's $10 billion for devs

The first full week of 2014 has drawn to a close, and predicted trends are already starting to make themselves manifest.

Despite the banner year reported by Apple for App Store revenue, it looks like smaller studios - particularly those in the indie space - are going to face a difficult road in the months ahead as they struggle to find traction.

Meanwhile, BlackBerry's pulling away from the consumer space and an increasing number of eyes are paying attention to Microsoft’s Windows Phone.

2013 certainly was an exciting year, but 2014 might just put it to shame.

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