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Gameloft 360 on in-game adverts, Superbowl ad success considered, and Katy Perry boosts Glu Mobile

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Gameloft 360 on in-game adverts, Superbowl ad success considered, and Katy Perry boosts Glu Mobile

With the Super Bowl XLIX having now been and gone, we can see now that the Katy Perry-fronted halftime show held far more significance to the world of mobile gaming than we realised at the time. 

Post-show Glu Mobile announced big plans Perry as the face of its new celebrity game.

This has gone down well with investors, with Glu Mobile stock rising in value accordingly.

And continuing with the Super Bowl theme, we looked at how the big-money adverts taken out by mobile game developers have impact app store stats - TV ads, now more than ever, continue to be of increasing interest for the industry.

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