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Nintendo stats and salary revealed for Japan employees

Tom Nook thankfully not part of the accounting team
Nintendo stats and salary revealed for Japan employees

Nintendo has updated its recruitment page for its Japan employees revealing numerous stats about the workers.

According to Niko Partners analyst Daniel Ahmed, who translated the text, an average annual salary for Nintendo employees in the region is $80,000 a year, with the average work day stated as seven hours and 45 minutes.

The number of employees at Nintendo of Japan are 2,271 while the average age of workers is 38.6.

In 2018 the firm took on 59 university graduates, however this year that number is set to increase to 81.

Bonus time

All employees receive a pay increase every April while still being eligible for two bonuses in June and December.

One last note mentions the average length of employment for staff members, which came out at 13.5 years.

This information paints a very different picture of what western studios like Telltale games have previously endured, with workers criticising the toxic environment and long hours of crunch. Not to mention the large number of layoffs that took place at Telltale and Activision Blizzard recently.