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Submit your suggestions by July 12th to unveil Top 50 Mobile Games Developers this summer - Have your say’s Top 50 Developer list is set to return in August 2019, and we want your help in creating it.

We want you to tell us about the top developers of the last 12 months across the globe and why they deserve to be on our list.

Top developers

The criteria for the Top 50 includes financial success, business growth, global reach, industry impact and quality of games.

Think you fulfil that criteria? You don’t need to have earned a billion dollars to be on the list - but you do need to have good games.

Know another company you think should be on the list? Let us know about them and why you should they should make the cut.

To have your say, simply email senior editor Craig Chapple at Send details of the company or companies you want to put forward, along with a short justification as to why you think they should make the cut.

Please note: If you send sensitive information not to be disclosed to the public, please make this clear on the email.

You have until July 12th to have your say.

For sales opportunities, contact Lisa Bisset at

Check out the Top 50 Developer 2018 list to see last year's top studios.