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Just one week let to save up to $150 on tickets to Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan

Mid-term prices for the two-day B2B conference next month hit full price NEXT WEEK
Just one week let to save up to $150 on tickets to Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan

Pocket Gamer Connects lands in Jordan for the very first time next month, November 2nd and 3rd, but time is running out to save on the price of tickets with our mid-term discounts! These savings end midnight next Thursday, October 10th, so make sure you book your tickets now!

Journey to a new region

As we’ve mentioned already, this is the first time the Connects International series has reached the Middle Eastern region, and with it we bring an international audience to explore this new area with us. 650 games industry professionals from all around the world will gather in the city of Amman for two days of networking, conference talks, seminars, panels, showcases, pitching and more.

As well as looking to celebrate the best of the region’s talents, it’s a genuinely unique chance to get your games in front of some of the most important and influential games professionals from around the world when their attention is actively focused on the MENA region and not at some vast international show where you are competing against every other developer in the world!

The likes of King, Kwalee, Stillfront, Yoozoo, Boombit, Wooga, Epic, Netmarble, Wargaming, Vlambeer, Snapchat, Triple Dragon, Unity, Ubisoft and many more will be there - so you really should be too.

Seminars, networking, investors, indie pitches and more

80 of the world’s leading authorities will share their expert analysis and insight on 10 jam-packed conference tracks, covering everything from trends in the MENA region and globally, to blockchain, esports and lessons in game development.

Alongside these incredible conference talks, we offer a wide range of networking opportunities and fringe events. From our unlimited online meeting scheduler which is free to all delegates, to our SpeedMatch sessions, which pairs developers and publishers together in a series of speed-dating type style meetings.

In a year of firsts for our Connects series, our Investor Connector will also make its debut in the Middle East this November. This event sees pre-selected applicants paired together with investors in a series of meetings to discuss their potential involvement with one another. Developers looking to take part should apply here, whereas investors should apply here.

Our beloved Very Big Indie Pitch competition makes a welcome return at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan. This competition will see indie developers to showcase their games to a panel of expert judges, gaining valuable feedback and a new contact in the games industry, all while facing off against each other for prizes worth thousands of dollars.

And if that wasn’t enough, our infamous Global Connects Party journeys with us to Jordan. Held on the first night of the conference, you can enjoy a free bar, finger food and music while you network until late after a busy day of conference. The party is free for all delegates to attend, so with that being said…

Book your tickets now!

Time is running out to save money on the first ever Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan next month. Tickets will be full price from next Thursday, October 10th but you can you can save up to $150 with our Mid-Term discounts before they end - book now!