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80 titles picked for indie games exhibit at Tokyo Game Show 2021

Guess the winners from the indie games shortlist for the Sense Of Wonder Night 2021 at the Tokyo Games Show
80 titles picked for indie games exhibit at Tokyo Game Show 2021

Computer Entertainment Supplier’s Association (CESA) chairman, Hideki Hayakawa, has invited independent game developers to participate in a free exhibition for indie games ‘Selected Exhibit’ at Tokyo Game Show 2021 Online.

After screening 286 applications, 80 game titles were selected and announced on September 1st.

Developers of the nominated game titles will compete in Sense of Wonder Night 2021 (SOWN2021), a pitch contest where indie developers will present innovative game ideas.

Entries worldwide

The project received a total of 286 applications from 50 countries and regions around the world. The 80 titles in the shortlist will be displayed in the free exhibition scheme ‘Selected Exhibit’.

Independent game developers from around the world, regardless of their status as professionals or amateurs, corporations or individuals, will showcase their original game titles through TGS2021 Online.

The final eight titles nominated from ‘Selected Exhibit’ will participate in the pitch contest SOWN2021 where developers will present their innovative game ideas.

SOWN2021 finalists will be announced on Friday, September 24th and the event will be streamed live on TGS2021 Online from 11 am (Japan Standard Time) on Friday, October 1st.

The campaign ‘Guess the Sense of Wonder Night 2021 (SOWN2021) Finalists’ is where game fans can send in their predictions of the eight finalists of ‘Selected Exhibit’.

These projects are co-sponsored by Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) and Nintendo.

Aim and Outline of Indie Game ‘Selected Exhibit’ and SOWN

Indie games are gaining momentum around the world and new hit titles come out one after another. The ‘Selected Exhibit’ and SOWN projects provide a platform for shining the light on talented indie game developers.

This will help them to find unique game ideas to give players a ‘Sense of Wonder’ - a feeling that something will change in their world, at the instant of first seeing or hearing about the concept.

With the sponsorship of SIE and Nintendo, TGS2021 Online will continue to provide an opportunity for indie game developers to announce and introduce their new game titles.

About SOWN2021 Finalist Forecast Campaign

From Monday, September 6th to Thursday, September 23rd Thursday, TGS2021 ONLINE will run the campaign for game fans to guess the ‘SOWN2021 finalists’ on a special page of TGS2021 Online website.

Voters can watch demonstration videos prepared by the exhibitors and play trial versions of their games to predict which of the eight titles deserves to be the finalist.

Those who made guess correctly will have a chance to win either PlayStation 5 or a TGS2021 Online Official T-shirt.

You can participate by visiting the SOWN2021 Finalist Forecast Campaign page here.