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PGC Jordan speaker Phil Shpilberg on how AI is transforming game marketing

The Head of Gaming at GameChangerSF will be giving us the lowdown on the increasing role of AI at Pocket Gamer Connects Jordan
PGC Jordan speaker Phil Shpilberg on how AI is transforming game marketing

The next installment of Pocket Gamer Connects, our global series of live industry events, takes place in just over a week in Jordan. Before we get there, let us introduce you to some of the speakers who will be joining us by the Dead Sea for two days of networking.

Phil Shpilberg is the founder of GameChangerSF, a gaming focused advertising agency that was acquired by AI company Pixis in April 2022. GameChangerSF offers user acquisition, creative, data science and the powerful Pixis AI technology to gaming clients. Shpilberg now runs the gaming division of Pixis and will be talking about the increasing role of AI in gaming user acquisition and how it is transforming game marketing.

If you could give other mobile games companies one piece of advice, what would it be?

Don't ignore the increasing role of AI in game marketing because your competitors are already using it and you could get left behind.

What’s the most important key performance indicator (KPI) for you - and why?

ROAS - its all about making money on games

What do you think the next big disruptor in mobile games will be?

Artificial intelligence in marketing an creative production.

What is the single biggest challenge facing the mobile games industry today?

The power of a few platforms to completely alter the gaming landscape. Changes by Apple, Google and, to a lesser extend, Facebook can dramatically alter the landscape

What game from another company do you wish you had worked on?

Microsoft Flight Simulator!

What role do NFTs play in the future of games?

I think NFTs have the potential to change the game industry but I have yet to see a compelling reason for the casual gamer to play these games. I am looking for the break-trough game to show everyone why NFTs are a game changer.

What was the fundamental appeal of the mobile games industry that brought you to it?

As an engineer/data scientist I loved applying data science to marketing. Mobile gaming has always been at the forefront of using data to marketing its games better. That is why I am here.