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How consent and preference management can increase ad revenue and improve user retention

Ogury chief publishers and strategic data partnerships officer Christophe Bize talks us through it
How consent and preference management can increase ad revenue and improve user retention

Christophe Bize is the chief publishers and strategic data partnerships officer at Ogury.

For most gaming publishers, advertising is an important revenue driver. And keeping users retained and engaged is vital to your success. Today, as new privacy regulations come into force across the globe, there’s a third pillar that’s of equal importance to your business - data safety.

You need to ensure that all the data that you collect and use for advertising purposes is compliant with GDPR, CCPA and all other similar laws. Meaning you must have the explicit and informed consent of the consumer. Otherwise you risk serious legal and financial repercussions.

However, many publishers believe that ad revenue will suffer when addressing consented users alone, and managing the ever-changing global complexities of new privacy laws is daunting.

This article is here to help you. It will show you just how easy it can be to obtain and manage user consent simply, while growing ad revenue and keeping users retained.

Compliance: a global and complex challenge

Rising data privacy regulations have made compliance mandatory. Any data used to drive advertising revenue and monetization of your app, must comply with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). And regulations aren’t stopping there. Many regions across the world, including Mexico, Singapore, Japan, and Australia are also creating new laws of their own.

“Those that appear to deliver high opt-in rates in the short-term, are often leaving consumers in the dark, by serving ambiguous consent notices that force users to opt-in.”
Christophe Bize

You suddenly need to collect consent from every single user, for every Ad-Tech partner, and need to comply with a variety of constantly-changing privacy laws across the globe. As regulations continue to evolve, differ and expand, it can feel like managing compliance has become - unmanageable.

To simplify the ever-changing complexities of compliance, you require a Consent and Preference Management Platform (CPMP) from a global player, who understands the nuances of each different law intricately and can adapt accordingly.

But how can you ensure such players adhere to the highest standards of compliance, while also enabling you to increase ad revenue instead of diminishing it?

Consent Management: optimized for advertising results

As it stands, many CPMPs are missing the mark. In fact, many don’t even meet basic legal requirements - a recent study conducted by MIT, UCL and Aarhus University shows that out of the top 10,000 U.K. websites that use CPMPs to collect consent, only 1 in 10 meet the minimal requirements set by the GDPR.

And those that appear to deliver high opt-in rates in the short-term, are often leaving consumers in the dark, by serving ambiguous consent notices that force users to opt-in. This not only risks non-compliance, but also hinders user experience, gives them a negative impression of your app, and diminishes trust in your brand both short and long term.

Therefore, you need a CPMP specifically optimized for advertising results. One that holds the highest standards of compliance (to ensure you avoid legal repercussions and fines), that generates high opt-in rates (to ensure significant volume and reach for ad revenue growth), and that gives users clarity and choice over their data sharing and ad experience (to build trust and confidence in your app, game and brand).

This level of compliance is what will enable you to increase ad revenue and improve user retention.

Let me show you how.

Being compliant attracts premium brand ads to your app

Believe it or not, relying on consented data enables you to attract premium brands to advertise in your games. How? In order to protect their brand from legal risk, and grow their reputation positively, data safety is now as equally important as brand safety. Brands are only willing to advertise using data that’s compliant, and collected with traceable and trusted consent.

Therefore, if you use a Consent and Preference Management solution that ensures you adhere to all privacy laws, and that your advertising inventory is activated with safe data, you can enjoy the top CPM revenue earned from premium brand ads.

“Where competitor ads may appear to pay well in the short-term, they are increasing user churn in the long-term.”
Christophe Bize

This will not only enable you to see immediate revenue increases, but will also improve user retention.

Without premium brands to increase ad revenue, you are often left serving ads for other gaming apps. But where competitor ads may appear to pay well in the short-term, they are increasing user churn in the long-term.

If you are able to attract and display premium brand ads, then you no longer have to rely on competitors to drive revenue. You will increase users’ Life-time-Value (LTV) and improve user retention. And in turn, enhance your user’s perception of your app by serving relevant, personalized ads from respected brands.

Manage compliance and drive sustainable advertising results

Ensuring compliance with privacy laws while scaling your ad revenue is tough. But it’s possible to do both with a Consent and Preference Management Platform, (CPMP) that’s optimized for advertising results.

Ogury Choice Manager, is an IAB registered CPMP that is specifically designed, built and optimized for advertising results. It’s the only CPMP with over 5 years history in the market, and has been built for publishers who need to balance data safety (compliance), with growing ad revenue, and increased user retention.

What’s more, Ogury also brings exclusive demand from premium brands to gaming apps, to deliver one of the highest CPMs in the market. It also improves the lifetime value of users, with low user churn rates.

For any gaming publisher looking to drive sustainable advertising results, adopting this kind of approach is a competitive advantage and the key to powerful earning potential.