

  • Event Type: Online
  • Audience Type: Developers, Indies, Recruitment, C-level, Marketing, Creatives, Investors, Publishers, Tool Providers, Technical Teams, Ad Companies, Media, Youtubers / Streamers
  • Find out more information on The Top 50 Mobile Game Makers 2021 (Online)

Who are the movers and shakers in the mobile games scene? Every year since 2009, the experts at, the leading mobile games industry media, have revealed their take on the top 50 studios, creators and publishers in the world.

We often unveiled it during an invite-only dinner at a swanky international venue. But this year (for unsurprising reasons), the Top 50 Mobile Game Makers will take place completely online, meaning more people get a chance to see it.

And to fully embrace the best in the business, we're including a few talks and panels as well, to make the afternoon a proper must-see affair, with knowledge sharing as well as celebration.

The Top 50
The Top 50 Mobile Game Makers list covers development studios of any size and publishers who bring those games to the players. It is not for tool providers, engine makers, ad networks or other middleware companies or vendors, awesome though they all are. This is about purely people who make and release games.

The ultimate list itself is compiled by the editorial experts with additional help from industry insiders. It also takes into account lobbying submissions from companies themselves. It is not simply a list of who's made the most money (although that is taken into account), but an authoritative guide to the movers and shakers in the games industry's most vibrant sector based on multiple key criteria.

The areas we evaluate include: financial performance over the last 12 months, quality and quantity of new games released, notable innovations, cultural impact made on the industry, and an estimation of the future potential of the company.

This year is the 12th time we have published our list, and places on it will be as hotly contested as ever. The first stage of the selection process was to invite suggestions and nominations from the industry, during a lobbying period. That ended at the end of July. Now it’s down to the core team to thrash their way through the swathes of data and insight and decide upon final positions.

An Afternoon For the Industry
Once registered, we will email the Zoom link to you just before the event. The full list of afternoon activities has not yet been made public, but will start with speeches, then a panel or two, culminating in the Top 50 countdown itself. After the ceremony, the full list will be available to browse on


3:00pm - Introduction

3:15pm - The Next Big Thing: New Trends, Opportunities and Technologies

4:00pm - A message from our sponsors, Admix

4:20pm - View From The Top: The Big Guns Of Mobile Gaming On The Last 12 Months And The Way Ahead

5:00pm - The Top 50 Countdown

N.B. As this is an exclusive industry event, we reserve the right to restrict access to some or all of the activities (but will notify you in advance if this is the case).

Please note, you must be a game developer or publisher to attend the virtual event. Monetisation companies, toolmakers and other service providers will only be allowed to connect with this event with one of a limited number of sponsor slots - please contact for details.

Register for The Top 50 Mobile Game Makers 2021 (Online)