

  • Region: Europe
  • Event Type: Tradeshow
  • Audience Type: Developers, Indies, Recruitment, C-level, Marketing, Creatives
  • Find out more information on DICE Europe 2014

D.I.C.E. attracts key executives and decision makers of the video game industry, providing an intimate venue to offer unmatched networking opportunities.

Honest, thoughtful and provocative examinations of the creative process by industry leaders are the source of great inspiration and fuel for water-cooler conversation long beyond the event. Notable past speakers include JJ Abrams, Gabe Newell, Todd Howard, Jesse Schell, among others.

D.I.C.E. Europe will give you the opportunity to hear from the industry’s leaders on how they build and execute their cross-platform strategies. You will gain insight into the new markets and demographics you can now reach and what you need to do to cater to them. What are the latest innovations in games and what steps are major publishers and developers taking today to ensure they are still leading the pack tomorrow?

How to get to DICE Europe 2014