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Fingersoft’s new CFO Annika Suni on entering the games industry

Annika Suni will be guiding the studio’s financial strategies to ensure future successes
Fingersoft’s new CFO Annika Suni on entering the games industry

Finnish mobile gaming studio Fingersoft, which is well known for its smash hit series Hill Climb Racing and Hill Climb Racing 2, has hired a new CFO. Annika Suni joins the team with over 20 years of experience as a CFO spanning various industries and now marking Suni’s first steps into the video game industry.

We spoke with the new CFO to discuss joining the games industry, what makes it so special, and what this new role entails, along with goals for Fingersoft in the future. First of all, congrats on the new role. Can you tell us a little about the role and what it entails?

Annika Suni: Thank you! As Fingersoft is entering the next stage in its growth story, my role is to lead the company's financial operations. I will play a key role in our financial success, developing and implementing our strategic plans, providing financial analysis and recommendations to support strategic decisions and help drive growth and profitability.

Does this new role find you in the office or remote/hybrid working? I know Fingersoft has rolled in a six-hour workday recently.

I work mainly in our Oulu headquarters, but I'll probably also use the opportunity to do some remote work. Especially in the beginning, it’s easier to work when I have all my experienced and great colleagues around me at the office. It’s great that the company provides different work time models for those needing them. Currently, I’m in a situation where normal working hours suits me just fine.

Although you have many years of experience in various industries, the gaming industry is new to you. What about the industry excites you most?

There are many interesting aspects in the gaming industry, but to me, the most exciting aspect is undoubtedly the people. In all of my years of professional experience across various industries, I’ve consistently found that the work environment is as important as the work itself. The most rewarding experiences, the most productive periods, and the most innovative breakthroughs have all been born from a place of passion and collaboration.

Is this an industry you ever imagined yourself being a part of, and how do you feel your previous experience will help Fingersoft grow?

I have never done any specific career plan and only applied to the positions, which at that point attracted me. I’d heard many good things about Fingersoft, especially on how much they focus on their employees’ well-being. This really felt like an environment I’d wanted to be a part of.

I have over 20 years of experience from different kinds of CFO positions, mainly from growth companies, so I’m confident that I’ll learn the principles of the gaming industry fast and can use my know-how effectively to help Fingersoft grow.

Finally, can you tell us anything you’ll be focusing on first as you get settled into your new role and what to expect over the rest of the year?

First and foremost, I am thrilled to have joined a dynamic and creative team that has established a strong foothold in the gaming industry. As I step into this role, my primary focus will be on getting a deep understanding of our current financial situation and operational dynamics.

This will involve a thorough review of our financials, performance metrics, and key business drivers. I am eager to meet with various team members across different departments to gain insights into the ongoing projects, initiatives, and challenges that can impact our fiscal outlook.

Secondly, I will be working closely with our leadership team to align our financial strategy with the company's broader strategic goals. Gaming is a rapidly evolving industry, and maintaining financial agility is key to sustaining innovation and competitiveness. We need to ensure that our investments, be it in game development, marketing, talent acquisition, or technological infrastructure, generate substantial value for the company.