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Yahaha’s Pengfei Zhang on making game development accessible to everyone

The new Co-Create game editor enables developers to work on the same game no matter where they are
Yahaha’s Pengfei Zhang on making game development accessible to everyone

Game creation platform Yahaha recently launched its cross platform collaborative tool Co-Create. The platform is intended to help developers work across various platforms together, creating no-code titles with the support of artificial intelligence.

To share more about the platform and its capabilities, we spoke with Yahaha's COO, Pengfei Zhang, who shares how the Co-Create platform can help developers, its performance since launch and what to expect from future updates. Can you tell us a little about the new Co-Create platform?

Pengfei Zhang: The Co-Create mode in Yahaha Studio is a collaborative editing feature that empowers multiple creators to work collaboratively on a shared project in real time. This cutting-edge functionality significantly elevates the co-creation experience, fostering a dynamic environment for creators and inspiring a surge of players to embrace their inner creators. Consequently, the Yahaha community thrives with heightened activity and a remarkable wealth of content.

How did the creation of Co-Create come about? Is this something you have been working on for some time?

Indeed, we have dedicated considerable time and effort to this project. From its creation, Yahaha has envisioned a platform where everyone can unlock their creative potential and bring their ideas to life. The introduction of Co-Create is part of our vision of reducing barriers to user-generated content and injecting an extra dose of excitement into game creation.

Co-Create is a cross-platform tool. How important is this for developers, and what benefits does it offer?

Cross-platform functionality offers developers countless options, allowing them to choose the preferred time and method for their creative endeavours. Collaboration, on the other hand, enables developers to unite under a single project, encouraging ideas and infusing the process with a sense of enjoyment.

Who can use Co-Create? Is it for small and large teams?

This design caters to expansive teams and a diverse user base, suitable for all individuals with little to no coding or game-making expertise.

The function is currently live. What has engagement been like so far?

The progress so far has been quite promising, and our users' valuable feedback has played a pivotal role. We are actively dedicated to enhancing the current editing experience.

How do you plan to support Co-Create in the future?

Our commitment to supporting Co-Create is twofold. Firstly, we will enrich the experience by adding essential features that enhance collaboration. Secondly, we will provide a wide array of gameplay templates designed to inspire creators, encouraging an active and interactive community dedicated to crafting engaging content.

Is there anything from Yahaha that is upcoming or any big plans for the rest of 2023?

There are exciting developments on the horizon for Yahaha, with the imminent introduction of advanced AI features. Among them, an AI creation assistant will simplify scene-building and gameplay generation, making it remarkably accessible for beginners. For seasoned creators, streamlined game creation workflows will enhance efficiency.

Additionally, the Asset Ovi, Yahaha's 3D asset search engine, now incorporates a ChatGPT plug-in, elevating search capabilities to a new level of intelligence and effectiveness.