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AppLift funds API-based customisable native ad platform PubNative to tune of 'x' million

Seven-digit investment announced
AppLift funds API-based customisable native ad platform PubNative to tune of 'x' million
Date Type Companies Involved Size
Jul 8, 2014 investment AppLift GmbH PubNative Not disclosed

In a meeting of minds, location and personnel, Berlin-based mobile games marketing platform AppLift has invested a "7-digit" sum in Berlin-based startup PubNative.

As its name suggests, PubNative is a native advertising platform that doesn't require developers to integrate an SDK.

Instead the supply-side platform is API-based, through client-side and a server-to-server integration.

It also allows publishers to combine over 20 creative assets building blocks to create distinctive native ad units.

These include elements ranging from app name and icon to screenshots, rating, custom images, image sizes and description texts available in 10+ languages.

A new generation

Further enhancing its solution, PubNative says its machine learning patterns and predictive behavior smarts means it will always seek to maximise eCPM.

It's already working with app publishers such as Pinger and Happy Labs, and its ad exchange is integrated with over 300 partners globally, offering wide reach.

A native ad built from many options
A native ad built from many options

Co-founded by former AppLift head of product Ionut Ciobotaru, PubNative has an office in Berlin and like AppLift, operations in Seoul and San Francisco.

"The mobile advertising market has shown a clear shift towards native in the past year and this is an excellent thing for advertisers, publishers and users alike," commented AppLift CEO Kaya Taner.

"PubNative is a great opportunity for us to invest our excess cash and support an already proven team and a cutting-edge product for native ads which will truly benefit our mobile games advertisers."

You can find out more information about PubNative via its website.