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1,500 visitors from across the globe swooped into Cologne for Respawn 2016

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1,500 visitors from across the globe swooped into Cologne for Respawn 2016

1,500 games industry professionals attended Respawn's 2016 conference held in Cologne on August 15-16.

The event also saw nearly 500 meetings made with the Pitch & Match system, as well numerous talks and panel discussions from major players in the games industry.

Around the world

"We are really thankful about how this year's edition turned out to be," said Conference & Program Director Tobias Kopka.

"People not only from all over Europe but also from all over the world showed up: game developers and publishers from the Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Swedish, Israeli, Turkish, Polish, Swiss, Belgian, French, Croatian, Spanish, Italian, Ukrainian, Canadian and Russian communities gathered with devs from the UK, the US, Asia and South America at Respawn."

The next Respawn conference is scheduled for August 20-21 2017.