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Snapchat to launch the Snap Audience Network for third-party apps

Set to launch in the coming months
Snapchat to launch the Snap Audience Network for third-party apps

A new Snap Audience Network is set to launch over the coming months that will see full-screen Snap Ads roll out outside of the chat app.

The move - which appears similar to the Facebook Audience Network - means advertisers can now market their brands and goods to an audience larger than Snapchat’s own 186 million daily active users. It also offers developers not on the platform another ad network to utilise to monetise their own apps.

Snap has promised that it will not share demographic information or friend lists with third-party developers.

Snapped up

Developers and publishers can apply to gain access to the Ad Software Development Kit on the Snap Kit website.

The initiative is expected to launch on iOS first in the US only. No clear release date has been provided.

The news comes alongside the launch of the new Snap Games platform for Snapchat. You can check out a full roundup of the announcements from the first-ever Snap Partner Summit over on