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Join deltaDNA’s free webinar on the reasons F2P games fail and how to avoid them

All happening 11am GMT on Wednesday 27th November
Join deltaDNA’s free webinar on the reasons F2P games fail and how to avoid them

The most successful F2P mobile games last for years, but many still crash and burn in their early stages.


Because they fail to adhere to best practices in engagement, retention, and monetization.

At 11am GMT on Wednesday 27th November, deltaDNA will host a free webinar titled:
“Reasons why games fail and how to avoid them”.

The game design experts at deltaDNA have put together a list of the most common mechanical problems in games and, most importantly, the solutions to those problems.

Pointing to real-world examples from some of the most successful and well-designed games currently available on the market, this webinar is essentially a guide to designing successful games that will last into the long term.

The Webinar

This event is targeted at developers looking to understand best practices in F2P game design.

Lead Game Design Consultant, Franco Spina, will go through the things that developers need to get right but often don’t.

Some areas set to be covered in this free webinar include:

  • Onboarding & game difficulty
  • LiveOps & elder game content
  • First purchase & repeat spend

Click here to register for the free webinar at 11am next Wednesday.

Don’t worry if you can’t make that time; DeltaDNA will stream a recording of the session at 6pm GMT on Thursday 28th November.

Click here to register.

Using data to manage the whole game economy, deltaDNA provides powerful CRM technology and expert consultancy for games makers. They supply the tools and insights needed to optimise games, for individual players, in real-time.

The deltaDNA analytics and player marketing platform is home to some of the games sector’s leading publishers and developers, including: 505 Games, Viacom, and Bandai Namco.