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SpecialEffect's One Special Day fundraises nearly $600,000

"Life-changing difference"
SpecialEffect's One Special Day fundraises nearly $600,000

UK charity SpecialEffect has raised £455,000 ($597,000) during its One Special Day 2019 campaign.

The new record-breaking number came from the fundraising event, where developers and companies in the games industry donated revenue from mobile and PC sales to the cause, alongside running events to help further raise efforts.

Money generated will go towards occupational therapists and technology specialists to help those that require lifelong support in the UK and around the globe.


"The funds and awareness generated by One Special Day makes an enormous, life-changing difference," said SpecialEffect founder and CEO Dr Mick Donegan.

"It enables us to direct the funds where they’re needed the most, helping so many more severely disabled people all over the world to play the games they love. Being supported by so many games industry partners is not only a tremendous funding boost, but a terrific morale boost to our passionate and dedicated team here at SpecialEffect. We are hugely grateful."

The event took place in October for the fourth year and will be returning for its fifth on Friday, October 2nd 2020.

Those that are interesting in joining the One Special Day event 2020 can get in touch with Nick Streeter for more information.