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Nintendo severs all ties with website responsible for Pokemon Sword and Shield leaks

FNintendo admits fault and apologises
Nintendo severs all ties with website responsible for Pokemon Sword and Shield leaks

Nintendo has cut all ties with a gaming website responsible for leaking information about Pokemon Sword and Shield in November 2019.

In a statement on its website, FNintendo acknowledged it was at fault for a breach of confidentiality.

FNintendo itself didn't post the leaks, but one of its reviewers did leak the information with their review copy provided by the website. FNintendo has since parted ways with the person responsible.

"At the beginning of November, a series of off-screen photographs leaked multiple new and unannounced Pokémon from Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield," reads the statement.

"We want to take this opportunity to openly admit to our readers that FNintendo was responsible for leaking some of these photos.

"Nintendo offered us a copy of the game for review purposes, with clear embargo guidelines, to which we agreed. This copy was then sent to one of our reviewers, who leaked the information. Following the investigation, FNintendo severed its relationship with this reviewer."


As a result of this breach, Nintendo has severed its ties with FNintendo. The company will no longer receive products, nor will it be invited to attend Nintendo events.

"We recognise it is impermissible to break embargo guidelines and we failed to handle the review materials with sufficient care," said FNintendo.

Gotta catch em all

Pokemon Sword and Shield were released in November 2019, that same month the new titles outsold Pokemon Lets Go Eevee and Lets Go Pikachu in Japan. In its first week, Sword and Shield sold six million copies, it became Nintendo's fastest-selling game.

The Pokemon Company has started to roll out its new Pokemon app. Pokemon Home - a companion app for the Switch games and Pokemon GO - will have both a free version and a premium version costing $15.99 a year. The app will be available on Android, Switch and iOS.