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Google launches hypercasual HTML5 platform GameSnacks

Focusing on SEA region through partnership with Gojek
Google launches hypercasual HTML5 platform GameSnacks

Google's experimental development studio Area 120 has released a new HTML5 games platform for mobile called GameSnacks.

The platform aims to reach mobile gamers with access 2G and 3G, using phones with as little as 1GB RAM. GameSnacks titles are largely hypercasual, designed for quick downloads on mobile data.

In Area 120's own example, it stated that a standard game can take as long as 12 seconds to load, but over half of mobile users will leave a web page if it takes longer than three seconds to load.


However, GameSnacks title Tower can load in 3.9 seconds on a 1GB RAM phone over a 3G network. Area 120 did not address the fact that this is longer than the three second benchmark mentioned above.

The initial rollout of GameSnacks will be done in partnership with SEA "super app" Gojek and its GoGames platform. Indonesia will be the first to get access to GameSnacks.

Outside of mobile, Google has been focusing its efforts on streaming console and platform Stadia. The service is now supported by more than 20 Android devices, and has recently announced five new games coming to the platform in 2020.