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Microsoft is committing $150 million to diversity and inclusion

"We are committed to take action to help address racial injustice and inequity"
Microsoft is committing $150 million to diversity and inclusion

Microsoft will commit a further $150 million to make diversity and inclusion changes.

As reported by Bloomberg, the company would like to double the amount of Black senior leaders it has by 2025. This is in response to it being one of several companies to be accused of having a lack of diversity, notably after it reported that just 4.4 per cent of its staff and all subsidiaries are Black.

"We are committed to take action to help address racial injustice and inequity, and unequivocally believe that Black lives matter," said Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella.

"Each of us must be able to thrive in diverse teams. Every manager must be able to attract, retain, and grow employees of all backgrounds. This is certainly true at Microsoft, and also more broadly. It is the new baseline for manager excellence across industries across the globe."

Furthermore, the efforts to improve inclusivity and diversity will be extended to Hispanic and Latin workers too.


The lack of diversity demonstrated by Microsoft has been an ongoing problem. However, following the death of George Floyd and the formation of the #BlackLivesMatter, the lack of inclusion shown by companies has been thrown to the forefront.

The American firm will double the amount of Black-owned businesses that are on its approved supplier list over the next three years and increase the number of transactions it has with Black-owned banks.

Several companies have promised to make changes; one such firm is Niantic as it has pledged to create a new diversity and inclusion programme. Meanwhile, Riot Games will put $10 million behind minority-led studios while Google has pledged $175 million to help Black communities.